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The Fortress of my Home
Picture This Poem

The Fortress of my Home

Dedicated to our beloved sisters and brothers, who support us and provide us with an unconditional love like no other. They protect us like a fortress and they strengthen us like pillars. We hope that our three little girls grow up with the same beautiful bond of sisterhood, we have both had the pleasure of experiencing. Family means more than blood; it blooms from simple love into the strongest faith and trust and it makes deep roots that are watered with shared memories and dreams. We pray the family ties, which have been strained in recent times, can be healed and that those of us who have been blessed with loved ones always find the time to appreciate them, honour them and fulfill our duties towards them.



Dedicated to all the strong souls we know. The ones, who speak little, do much and strive to make our community a better place. In the midst of the troubling times we are all facing, as we live through a third nationwide lockdown, this poem speaks about the true strength that we are seeing so much more of today. Mental, emotional and spiritual strength that so many of us possess as we go about our day-to-day lives carrying burdens that only God and we know about. The key, for all of us, is to never judge another and if we can be nothing else, than be kind.


We pray for more of this strength, which will help us get through these difficult days as we begin to understand and accept that life has its beauty but also its limitations. The beauty of life is there to inspire us to do greater good and the limitations are there to keep us humble and grounded. Our heartfelt thanks to all the strong people out there who make our world go round, as it faces a fragile fate.

The Doors to my Heaven
Picture This Poem

The Doors to my Heaven

‘The Doors to my Heaven’ is a poetry presentation that was created when we heard of a dear brother / uncle who lost both his parents just days apart. Having lost our own father / grandfathers, we understand that there is no pain greater than that of losing a loved one but losing both beloved parents within such a short time is indeed indescribable. We have nothing to offer to erase the pain but we believe our faith is what carries us forward during these difficult times. And it is our faith that teaches us that parents are our doors to our heaven.


We hope you enjoy listening and we pray that all those who have lost their parents take comfort knowing that the doors to our heaven are smiling down upon us each day and their happiness is only a prayer away.

The Things I Miss The Most
Picture This Poem

The Things I Miss The Most

'The Things I Miss The Most’ is a poetry presentation that was created specifically during the lockdown of 2020, when the Covid-19 virus ripped through our community, affecting us all. This poem gives a voice to the youngest and often overlooked members of our community- the children.  


In a time of fear, worry and confusion, the children showed great patience and endurance, as the world they once knew was turned upside down. We hope the thoughts and feelings expressed in this poem serves as an echo for all those wonderful little beings out there.


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Stay safe and stay blessed!

From Picture This Poem Studio

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